The California Poison Control Center 1-800-8POISON (876-4766)
The California Poison Action Line: 1-800-222-1222
Young children will put almost anything into their mouths. More 1 to 3 year olds are poisoned than any other age group. Children always seem to find a way to get to something which has been put out of their reachunless it has been locked away.
Know what is potentially dangerous in your home.
Common examples are:
Lye and drain cleaners…………………….Bleach
Weed killers……………………………….Ant Poison
Furniture polish……………………………Snail bait
Insect sprays………………………..Oven cleaners
Gasoline……………………..Nail polish remover
Safety guidelines to avoid dangerous ingestions include:
Our office offers lactation assistance from a Board-Certified Lactation specialist, Tanefer Lumukanda, IBCLC. She is available for telephone, zoom consultation ( as well as individual in-office consultations.
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