Immunizations are most often discussed, offered, and provided during health supervision visits. You will be asked to read and sign a consent or refusal form for all immunizations including:
DTaP -Diptheria-Tetanus-acellular Pertussis; (D) the disease can lead to difficulty breathing, heart failure or paralysis, (T) painful stiffening of the muscles (aP) uncontrollable, violent cough that makes it hard to breathe, or drink.
IPV- poliovirus -contagious viral infection of nerves and brain; spread through the mouth from stool or contaminated hands, food, or liquid, and by air and direct contact.
Hib– haemophilus influenza type b -contagious bacterial infection of the lungs, brain and spinal cord, or bloodstream; spread through air and direct contact
MMR -measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)- contagious viral infection that causes fever, cough, tiredness; spread through air and direct contact
VZV -Varicella, chickenpox) – contagious viral infection causes that causes fever, headache, and an itchy, blistering rash; spread through air and direct contact
HBV-hepatitis B vaccine (HBV)- contagious viral infection of the liver; spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood or semen
PCV-pneumococcal vaccine – bacterial infections of ears, sinuses, lungs, or bloodstream; spread through air and direct contact.
HAV– hepatitis A vaccine -contagious viral infection of the liver; spread by contaminated food or drink or close contact with an infected person.
HPV– human papilloma vaccine-contagious viral infection spread by close skin-to-skin touching, including during sex; disease may cause warts and many types cancers late in life, including cancers of the cervix, vagina, penis, anus and throat
RV- rotavirus -contagious viral infection of the gut; spread through the mouth from hands and food contaminated with stool
MCV Meningococcal (ACWY) vaccine : 2 doses, first at 11or 12 yo, 2nd (booster) at 16 yo; this is a common cause of meningitis and blood infections in these age groups; contagious bacterial infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord or the bloodstream; spread through air and direct contact; can lead to loss or arm or leg, deafness, seizures, death.
MCV Meningococcal type B vaccine– offered at 16 yo of age; this is a common cause of meningitis and blood infections in these age groups; contagious bacterial infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord or the bloodstream; spread through sir and direct contact; can lead to loss or arm or leg, deafness, seizures, death.
RSV -Respiratory Syncytial Virus-contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, and sometimes lungs; spread through air and direct contact
COVID-19-contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, or lungs, may feel like a cold or flu; Spread through air and direct contact; may cause an infection of the lungs, blood clots, liver, heart or kidney damage; long COVID: death
Influenza (flu)-Contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, and sometimes, lungs; spread through air and direct contact
Tetanus (Lockjaw)- infections caused by bacterial spores found in soil and dust everywhere; spores enter the body through wounds or broken skin; onc dose at 11-12 years of age; additional doses with dirty wounds.
Most children and adolescents have little difficulty with reactions to immunizations.
Our office offers lactation assistance from a Board-Certified Lactation specialist, Tanefer Lumukanda, IBCLC. She is available for telephone, zoom consultation ( as well as individual in-office consultations.
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